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Nothing Feels Better Than Slim Does

* Do you wish to lose weight and keep it off for the long



* Feel healthier, fitter, and more energetic?


* Do you experience low energy, feel depressed, listless,

 have difficulty getting out of bed in the mornings?


* Are you suffering from stomach bloat, bad breath,

  and weight gain for no apparent reason?


* Have you been struggling with diets on and off and have


even lost some weight and see it creep in right back on as soon

as you stop dieting? 


* Do you wish to lower stress levels in your life, improve your \]

self confidence.


* Do have difficulty setting a weight loss goal and

  achieving it? 






I Can Help You

I am NOT offering you a quick fix, I am offering you a permanent weight loss plan. Read this for more information. 


If you are committed and serious about your weight loss and wish to improve your health I can help you in setting that goal and systematically achieve it. I have helped many people with nutrition and weight loss, its what I do and do well but I will only accept you as my client if you are prepared to work with me to achieve your goal to lose weight and keep it off. So first things first ask yourself how committed you are and then give me a call. I will be happy to help you with your weight loss journey. 

Its what I am keenly interested in and therefore give it my very best. I am particularly effective with those who have a failed history with weight loss diet and exercise. My approach is to first and foremost get to the root cause of your weight problem. With me as your nutritionist and weight loss practitioner you will not just receive a food plan, you will receive a comprehensive detailed plan and we will look at and explore the causes the underlying factors if any that may be contributing to your weight gain, and/or hampering your ability to lose the excess weight and maintain it. We will find the 'culprit' and go after each of them step by step.  With my personalized support, you can do it. This is a long-term program of at least 6 months. 


I have helped many people in this regards and they come from various walks of life from housewives students,  working people and business people including celebrities, models and rockstars men and women and last but not the least my own self. 


Not only am I a Nutritionist and Weight loss specialist, I am also a Life coach, and Image consultant,  A weight loss psychologist and Hypnotherapy practitioner and the author of 'Natural Beauty' one of my published books that made it to the distributors' bestseller list and became one of the top sellers on Amazon. I use the combination of all these skills and qualifications to help my clients to achieve results. My approach is practical and an integrative one to suit each of my client's unique requirement and the results have been profound and life-changing for most of my clients who stayed on the program for the 6+months I proposed.

A customized nutritional weight loss program supported by counseling and hypnotherapy in our quest to lose weight or manage the weight we have lost is the only way to keep the focus and achieve your goal. It works wonders is what I can assure you.   Counseling or Coaching addresses hidden barriers such as, self-defeating behaviors low confidence or low self-esteem that could be standing in your way and sabotaging your goals.  These health tools help eliminate the root causes and eventually the results are incredibly amazing. Hypnotic gastric banding is also available for anyone who is interested. This is non-surgical.


There will be some of you who might be interested in weight loss surgery I can help you weigh in the pros and cons and decide if it is the right choice for you. Some clients could benefit from it others may not . It's important to educate yourself and understand the difference between each type of operation and get an understanding of which weight loss operation is right for you. 


Losing weight and keeping it off is achievable but that is true, only when you find your specific approach that addresses your specific needs and weight loss requirements. One size does not fit all!.  Indeed anyone can lose weight if he or she restrict their diet. The question is for how long can you live on a restricted diet? There are numerous diets out there available to you - there are the Fad diets, Celebrities endorsed diets, Low carbohydrates diets, Low-calorie diets, Low-fat diets, vegetarian diets, vegan diets, Paleo diet, Mediterranean diet and many more and they all bring results - short-lived results! The problem for most people then is not about losing weight it is in keeping the weight you lost from returning.  The moment you stop 'dieting' the weight returns.  People still do the same old diets again and the results are the same. They lose weight and gain it all right back the moment they stop dieting. If you are looking to keep your weight off for the long haul you need to do something different, something that works something worth your while with a solid foundation in the foods you eat and your lifestyle. You need a permanent change in your lifestyle habits an approach you can easily incorporate in your life. Most of us cannot do this alone. The secret to this is frequent support, more help more often from your nutritionist and weight loss specialist,  you need support for sticking with the protocol and to make timely modifications to your individualized weight loss program when necessary.  It is your nutritionist that can give you this level of support and timely modification to your program, but unfortunately, not all of us can access a personalized weight loss program with counseling.


However, that is not the complete story as you know by now I put a lot of emphasis on your participation as you have a big role to play in your weight loss and weight management program.  Your commitment to do what it takes, to trust and believe in your own efforts is vital to your success.  You need one to one support to incorporate the lifestyle changes of your weight loss program in your day to day life. You need a powerful easy workable plan that works. Not only do you need a professional certified nutritionist you need a professional certified Nutritionist Weight Loss Specialist a weight loss Psychologist who understands and cares about your hopes and your weight struggles and offers you the most appropriate  weight loss approach formulated for your specific requirements keeping in mind your likes your dislikes and what you can do without and what you cannot do without in your food choices.  There is another important aspect to this and it is that you find a Nutritionist/Weight loss specialist who is empathic and genuinely interested in your weight loss needs and in helping you achieve your goals and to keep to your pace to achieve the very best results for you keeping your well being as a top priority at all times. A weight loss specialist who provides a personalized customized nutrition and weight loss plan specific to your needs with counseling to facilitate permanent results.  


Permanent results cannot be achieved with short-term fixes! 


With so much information out there, its no surprise that you feel confused about all these weight loss diets and plans and you are right to feel that way - I did too.  Then there is the matter of cost and most weight loss plans are expensive and many are often not customized and do not counsel or guide people to achieve their weight loss goals and most definitely not for the long haul. With me as your Nutritionist, being a weight loss psychologist/ counselor you will find a personalized plan designed just for you for your specific needs and a strategy to ensure permanent results.

The pricing is convenient and affordable and easy payment options are available to anyone interested to use this facility. In your journey towards a slimmer healthier you - the right approach includes personalized nutritional plan and support. Here I go again -  I cannot emphasize enough how important your commitment is to achieve your weight loss goal. Without your 100% commitment, it is a waste of your time and money as no one has achieved anything without trust belief and commitment. If you lack commitment do not even bother to try.


Hypnotherapy supported with counseling can help you address many issues such as self-confidence, self-esteem, and commitment or determination to achieve one's goals. It increases the focus and self-awareness to your food and exercise choices or lack of. 


Working with a Weight Loss and Nutrition Specialist is what makes the difference between success and failure. Anyone who wishes to lose weight can diet for a week or two or four but eventually- sooner than later they will lose the determination and focus and invariably go back to their old set diet habits and gain all the lost weight right back on. Some even resort to diet pills and as soon as they stop taking the diet pills the weight is bound to return. Some diet pills can even be dangerous.  In a fast-growing obese population and the unhealthy unnatural diets flooding our lives, it is a skilled Nutritionist who can help steer clear you of unhealthy food choices and help find your very own weight loss approach for permanent weight loss. 


My integrative no-nonsense approach has helped my clients lose excess weight and keep it off permanently. 


Disclaimer :

As with all new weight loss and exercise regime the nutrition, weight loss and exercise advice and other services and tools offered on this website can be followed only after first consulting with your physician to ensure it is appropriate for your individual health circumstances.  Nutritional and health needs vary from person to person depending on age, sex, health status and general total lifestyle and present diet. However, a healthy diet has never hurt anyone. Its common sense.





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